Hello Miss and classmates
Today I will take the oportunity to talk freely about an important problem which has developed over the last days.
I refer the conflict in the community of Chiloé. Ten days ago the people of Chiloé and Puerto Montt started protesting because of the marine pollution which does not let fishermen to work. This is a very complicated problem because many people live from the fishing industry so they will not have income to eat and cover their basic needs.
The media have claimed that this sea pollution is a red tide. But we all know that despite the red tide, the main cause of this problem is that the salmon companies threw over 9 thousand tons of dead fish waste to the ocean. This was authorized by the government. It really bothers when the information is used to manipulate people! Moreover, the State of Chile does not give real solutions to the people affected, on the contrary, it continues to send police force to repress protesters fighting for their rights.
I hope you guys can reflect on this subject as it is very important, and I hope everyone asists the manifestations organized in support of the Chilote people.